Solving The Mystery Of Inflated Car Insurance Rates

Have you ever taken a look at your monthly car insurance bill and wondered why it seems to be growing each time? If so, you are like many other people who are scratching their heads trying to understand this enigma. There are actually many reasons for an insurer to continuously tack more money onto your…

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Who is better behind the wheel, men or women?

When it comes to driving, there is a debate which has raged on since women were allowed behind the wheel. Are they better or worse drivers than men? And where it can be argued that the man has had more experience, historically speaking, modern day equality campaigns demand that more than archaic stereotypes be presented…

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At Fault Car Accident & How To Deal With Insurance Claim?

There’s nothing that’s as devastating as a car accident. Moreover, being the driver at fault can be more stressing. You not only have to worry about repairing your car, but the other person’s as well. In such a scenario, many questions will run through your mind. What should I do next? Will my insurance go…

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Single vs. Married – Who Pays More for Car Insurance?

If there is a singular truth about car insurance, it’s that different issues have different effects on the amount that you pay for your premiums. What you might pay in one state may be different in another. When you toss in all the variables, it’s tough to find accurate averages because of the sheer number…

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Can You Get Car Insurance For A Month?

The average person does not look for short-term or one-month car insurance but it is a viable option for those who do. Short-term car insurance has been around for a long time and does serve a purpose.Read More: This read is going to take a look at whether or not an individual can sign up…

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